The Blessings of Faith

Have you ever thought of how the word “faith” could be an invaluable asset in your life? Faith has been described as a source of joy, hope, and peace. It is a spiritual belief that gives us strength when confronted with challenges, encourages us to take risks, and helps provide meaning to our lives. Whether you are religious or not, having faith can still offer innumerable blessings – just ask anyone who has had a meaningful experience with it. In this blog post, we will look at how everyone can benefit from cultivating faith in their daily lives.


What are you placing your faith in today? For many of us, this seems like a strange question. You may be a religious person and you automatically think that you place your faith in God. You may be a person who is not religious and thinks you don’t have faith to place in anything or anyone. The reality is that every person has faith in someone or something. Your faith may or may not be in a higher power. We choose to exercise our faith when we place our trust in a person, object, or circumstance without full proof or 100% guarantee of knowing if what we are placing our faith in will work out for what we believe.


When we mistakenly place our faith in the things of this world, we end up the same way each time. The outcome is never what we fully expect it to be, and it never completely meets expectations. A person lets us down, someone drops the ball on a project, a promise is not kept, the market doesn’t perform as expected, that promotion never comes, or the diagnosis is bad news.

When we mistakenly place our faith in the things of this world, we end up the same way each time. The outcome is never what we fully expect it to be, and it never completely meets expectations.

Soon, after being married my wife and I lost everything we owned in Hurricane Katrina. We were both in college and had decent part-time jobs. We didn’t have much before the hurricane, but life was genuinely good. The hurricane left us with only a weekend’s worth of clothes between us to our name. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. I was on an emotional, mental, and spiritual spiral. Instead of turning to Christ, I turned to the things of the world. After having dropped out of college, I went to work on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. While on the rig one day I decided I needed a new racing four-wheeler. So, when I got home, I purchased this recreational vehicle, thinking the speed and danger would ease my pain, heartache, and anxiety. One day I was showing off in front of my wife’s parent’s house and I wrecked the four-wheeler. I went to make a sharp turn on the pavement at high speed and instead of turning, the four-wheeler and I went flipping down the road for about 30 feet or so. As I lay there in the middle of the road, bruised and bloodied, I realized the faith that I placed in that four-wheeler to bring me joy and peace had failed.


You may find yourself in a similar place today. I hope you don’t have to have a major life incident to realize that your faith is in the wrong place.


When God called Abraham to leave his country, his family, and his home and travel to lands unknown, Abraham did not have all the answers, but what he did have was faith. The Bible tells us, “So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him” (Gen. 12:4). Abraham shows us what it means to have faith, real faith.


And you know what? Abraham placed his faith in God and every single promise that God made to Abraham was fulfilled. The world does not come through with promises like that. If you are searching for somewhere to place your faith, if you are tired of being let down by the world, I want to encourage you to look to Jesus today. All of the promises of God are “yes” and “amen.” There is not a single promise of God that will go unfulfilled in your life.

The world does not come through with promises like that.

 Is it scary to place your faith in God? It can be scary. I am willing to bet Abraham was scared, but he allowed his faith to conquer his fear and in doing so he experienced the full blessings of God.


Want to experience his blessings today? They can only be obtained through faith. Come and experience all that Jesus has to offer today. Take that step of faith.


1.     What are you placing your faith in today?

2.     What is keeping you from placing your faith in Jesus right now?

3.     Take a moment and ask God to help give you faith that you may believe.

In His Grace,

Brad Delaughter

Gene Smith