4 Truths about Goals from Jesus

Often, we can struggle in either setting goals, accomplishing goals, or having the correct motives for our goals. To be sure, we live in a goal-driven society that pushes us to achieve more and greater feats. But what about the Christian goals? Are goals excellent and healthy for a Christian or are goals a product of the world?


In his introduction to his high priestly prayer in John 17, as he prepares for the cross, Jesus prays to the Father and makes a wonderful statement for us to consider. He says, “I glorified You on this earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.” (John 17:4) There are several truths here that are applicable for us to consider today, along with a few questions to help us think through them in our lives.


  1. Jesus’ work was not his own work, it was the Father’s work.

This means that the work you do for God does not come from you, but from him. You do not have to concern yourself with the type of work if you know the one who gives the work is God.

Are you busy doing the Father’s work or your work?


2. Jesus’ work glorified God.

When you work for God, you are not working for yourself. When we work for ourselves, we expect to receive recognition and compensation for our work. We work for God and as such all that we do for God (all that we do in all of life) has the real potential to bring glory to God.

Are you working in such a way as to bring glory to God?


3. Jesus did everything God desired him to do.

There was not a missed work, a forgotten miracle, or a misplaced action that Jesus left undone. So often we get caught up in our own priorities that we forget about God’s priorities for our lives. We are called to accomplish the will and work of God in our lives.

What is keeping you from accomplishing all that God has for you to do?



4. Jesus was glorified by the Father for accomplishing the work.

When you live a life dedicated to the glory of God, God has promised to reward you not only with eternal life but also glory in heaven. Be assured, that if God promises a thing, that thing will come to pass, and the glory of the saints is a promised truth from Jesus.


In His Grace,


Gene Smith